Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Originally uploaded by klycolllins.
I had LASIK done this afteroon. Not too bad, overall. Things are still a little blurry, but the doc said it should clear up as the blah, blah, blah. I kind of lost track of what she was saying because the Ativan had started to kick in (who'da thunk such a tiny little pill could make you so woozy). Anyway, Rachelle was busily taking notes so I should be fine. As one extra-special bonus, they threw in a pair of shades to put over the plastic things they taped to my face. This picture doesn't capture the true loserness of the situation, but I wanted to have something showing the immediate aftermath. No blood, no drool. I was a little bummed that Rachelle got to watch and I didn't even get a video. That shit would have made the blog! I'll post better pictures later tonight.


Brian said...

Really what this picture is missing are some really bad hair plugs.

Anonymous said...

Great picture Kelly. If you photoshopped on a mullet, this could be a publicity shot from the Rowdy Roddy Piper flick "They Live"