Monday, March 27, 2006

Final Four, Baby!

Final Four, Baby!
Originally uploaded by klycolllins.
OK, so I "went" to George Mason for a short time in the late 80's. Didn't get a lot of so-called "credits", but I do have lots of good memories. OK, not "lots", but I do remember living in the temporary dorms on top of the hill. Patriot Village. They were trailers. Double-wides. With skirts. Sweet! Anyway, those were the good ol' days. I had hair, weighed a buck fifty and had no idea I was such a loser. Shocking, considering what I looked like. You would have thought I was well aware that I was a true loser. Nope. Eighteen years later and things are much better. I'm bald, fat and I am uncomfortably aware of my loser-ness. And I couldn't care less. Go Patriots!

1 comment:

/k said...

I never knew that Harry Potter went to George Mason.