Thursday, January 13, 2005

Day 3

Multimedia message

The tub is in. And operational. Barely. The shower still hasn't been hooked up, but it's nice to know that I can actually bathe without going to the gym and "working out". It's also nice that things are running slightly ahead of schedule and under budget. My personal home-improvement projects never seem to work like that. I usually end up spending twice what I expected because I: a) buy the wrong thing in the first place and don't realize it until I've already installed and/or broken it; or b) buy the right thing and put it in wrong and then break it trying to fix it. As for being ahead of schedule, I still have several projects that I started when we moved in and I just haven't managed to find the time to finish. Any of them. Anyway, from what I understand, the dry-wall is going up in the bathroom tomorrow and the demo is starting on the kitchen. That should be fun. Of course, more pictures to follow.

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