Thursday, February 23, 2006

Day 3: Vegas Getting Old

Day 3: Vegas Getting Old
Originally uploaded by klycolllins.
So I've been here since Sunday, and things are getting a little strange. I did my workshop today (blah, blah, blah) and we decided to leave downtown behind and hit the Strip. Different friggin' worlds. Seriously. Downtown is a much more mellow crowd. Lots noisier, more chances somebody will do something stupid and not get "arrested". The Strip has more "rules". Anyway, we were gambling, i.e., "drinking" at Caesar's and I saw this sign outside the Celine Deion theater. I thought it was a little ironic that weapons were specifically not allowed in the theater. I don't know if that's so you don't shoot Celine or you don't shoot yourself. Either way, your pain is over.

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