Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Originally uploaded by klycolllins.
Greetings from Bob Hope Airport in beautiful downtown Burbank! Actually, I'm not sure Burbank has a downtown and the city ain't that pretty, but it's my favorite L.A. area airport. It's one of the few airports in a major American city that doesn't have jetways. They basically roll steps up to the front and rear doors and you have to walk across the tarmac to the terminal. You get the feel of travelling to a third-world country without the inconvenience of learning a new language or actually leaving California. And it's named after one of the greatest entertainers of the early-to-mid 20th Century. He did get a little creepy later on, but that's not the point. Between Bob Hope Airport in Burbank and John Wayne Airport in Orange County, I'm curious to see what they re-name LAX in 20 years. I've got some suggestions that I'm thinking of sending to the L.A. airport authority: "Mel Gibson International Airport and Cathedral", "Nick Nolte Airport, Pharmacy & Rehab" and (my favorite) "Holy Shit I Can't Believe Pauly Shore Got Famous Enough To Get An Aiport Named After Him International". I'll be giving odds. Anyway, I caught the early flight down and made it back to Sacramento by 7:00. Not a bad day. I've got to hit Salt Lake City tomorrow. Don't have good feelings about the bar scene in Utah. I wasn't even sure I'd be able to coffee for my workshop in the SLC, but things are looking good there. A Medicare meeting without coffee could get really, really ugly. I'll try to get pictures.

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