Saturday, March 03, 2007

Hmmmm...Which Meeting Am I Here For?

I'm freshly back from Las Vegas, and as anybody who has ever spent a week in Vegas can tell you, three days in Vegas is plenty. Rachelle was with me those first couple of nights so it wasn't too bad, but I scheduled my meetings in a hotel that wasn't on or near the Strip. Kind of limited my options for the rest of the week. On the plus side, the Irish bartender at the hotel bar knew my drink of choice by the third night. One really good thing about the non-touristy hotels, i.e., "dumps", is that the good beers are $2.00 ($1.50 at happy hour), and there isn't an appetizer over $2.99. My hotel wasn't actually a dump. The first couple of nights were better because my room was in the Courtyard section, which is entirely non-smoking. I was SHOCKED to find a hotel in Vegas with several hundred rooms set aside in a completely separate location for non-smokers. (FYI - Restaurants in Vegas recently went to a completely non-smoking environment. There is some trouble with the actual enforcement, but a great move in my opinion.) The real problem came when I had to change rooms on Wednesday from my non-smoking room in the non-smoking courtyard to a "hospitality suite" down the hall from the Narcotics Anonymous meeting. The people attending the NA meetings were really friendly, but they all smoked like a '72 Buick with a broken exhaust. Wussy Californian that I now am, I had to sleep with a wet towel by the door-crack to keep the smoke out. Anyway, I'm home now and all is peaceful and smoke-free. Life is probably better for me this weekend than all the people at my meeting who had to fly home to Omaha (14+ inches of snow), Florida (tornados & thunderstorms), Kansas City (cold & snow) and Chicago (snow/ice/wind). Sacramento is supposed to be upper 60's and sunny. Makes the high cost of living seem almost worth it.

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