Saturday, May 12, 2007

Sacramento Brewfest

Rachelle and I attended the Sacramento Brewfest this afternoon. We took light-rail downtown so we wouldn't have to worry about driving home. Good call, considering the large amounts of beer available. Technically, we were only supposed to get 10 drink coupons with our admission. Technically. We hadn't even gotten to the gate when a guy walking out asked if we were heading in. When we told him "hells, yeah!", he gave us his left-over drink coupons. Score! Add those extra coupons to the vendors who didn't actually "collect" the drink coupons when they gave us our beers and you've got one helluva beer fest. Anyway, the picture I've attached is of me and one of the "Sac City Rollers". Turns out Sacramento has a roller-derby team. Again, SCORE! Next derby is scheduled for May 19th, with a beer garden set up by Sacramento City Brewing Company. Might want to see if Ken's interested in a trip to Davis. Hey, it's only $17 at the door. FYI, this chick is wearing red fish-net stockings and roller skates. HOT! OK, not really "HOT", but pretty cool.


Don said...

I missed the brewfest. This is always just too busy a time of year for me.

Say, you took a lovely picture of the Rainbow Bridge, and I've peeked around and found it and want to use it in a post on my own blog. Please let me know if you would rather I do not. I'll give attribution, that being the proper thing to do and all.

A Pseudo-Random Orangevalian

kelly said...


Feel free to use the Rainbow Bridge picture.
