Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Folsom Lake Toyota Sucks

So I ended up buying two cars from Folsom Lake Toyota last month and had been pretty happy with the whole experience. Minimal haggling, decent price on both cars, didn't try to up-sell us on the "invisible under-coat". In and out with new cars in a couple hours. All that good will went down the drain yesterday. When I bought the 4Runner they couldn't find one of the three keys. Not a big deal. I really only needed two, but apparently one was the "special" valet key. So I get a call last week saying they could fit me in at noon yesterday to get my key calibrated with the computer. What the hell the key has to do with the computer is waaaay beyond me (I'm pretty sure you can start my Ford Ranger with a coat hanger and a gum wrapper), but I'm cool with getting my key. They told me it would take about 30 minutes to get the key made and synched. Easy enough. I had a bunch of paper-work to catch up on at work, so I figured I could work from home and run down to the dealership during lunch. Showed up at the service department and checked my car in at 11:53am. Went to the customer lounge and waited for somebody to come tell me my car was ready. I had taken some work with me, so I had something to keep me busy for a while. After about an hour and a half I start getting a little bored and start to wonder where my car is. I figure it must be a really complicated process and decide to give them another few minutes before I check on how long it's going to take. Go to the service counter at 1:46pm. Chick at the counter makes a few clicks on the computer and says my car is ready. Weird that nobody's come to get me, but whatever. She sends the guy to get my car and has me sign off on the receipt. I look at the receipt and see that the car was actually DONE AT 12:30PM! Now's when I start to get truly annoyed. I'd been sitting in the customer lounge for an hour and a half AFTER my car was done because (turns out) the chick who checked my car in went to lunch and forgot to tell somebody to let me know when my car was done. REMEMBER: They called me to set up the noon appointment. SLACK-ASSES! I called the service department manager as soon as I got home and (calmly) explained what had happened, told him I would never buy another car from Folsom Lake Toyota, would never take my cars there for service and would never recommend them to ANYBODY. After politely listening to my rant/complaint, he apologized and said he hoped my next experience would be better. HA! It might be better, it might be worse, but the one thing I can tell you is it won't be THERE. Enough ranting for now. I've got a cold beer waiting for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our experience with Folsom Lake Toyota has been very unpleasant. Their service department doesn't seem to know what they are doing. Our 4Runner, after being serviced by them, still had the problem we took it in for, plus an additional problem that we had not had before.

And their salesmen...this is why car salesmen have the reputation they do. I was high pressured, and insulted by the "salesman" who told me that I didn't know what a car was worth. Good grief! We will never, ever go to Folsom Lake Toyota for service or sales! Try Elk Grove Toyota, they know customer service! We just bought a 2008 Toyota Prius from a wonderful, customer service oriented salesman.