Monday, February 19, 2007

Livin' Large @ the Holiday Inn

Just wrapping up my second-to-last visit to Houston and I'm actually going to miss it. Kind of. I found a restaurant that I can't find one bad thing to say about. Seriously. I'm sitting in the bar (shockng, I know) and the guy brings out my free chips and salsa. I was expecting the usual boring chips and salsa. What I got was a mix of regular tortilla chips, blue corn chips, chips dusted with cinnamon and chili powder (rocks) and sweet-potato chips (also rocks). There was also some sort of orange/brown tortilla chip that I couldn't identify, but I ate a crap-ton of those, too. And don't even get me started on the food I actually paid for (think "chicken-fried tuna steak"). So if you're ever in Houston and hungry for some Southwestern grub, make sure you check out the Canyon Cafe. Happy Hour looks pretty sweet, too.

Enough about the good part of my trip. Let's go back to my 6:00am flight out of SMF. I had to leave home at 4:00ish. AM. Lots of other people had to leave home really friggin' early, too. Everybody except the one family they held the flight for because they were "stuck in the security line". Yeah, that's what happens when you don't get to the airport EARLY ENOUGH TO CLEAR SECURITY! Dumb-asses. Didn't help any that the young dad looked like a K-Fed wannabe. Mom looked OK enough, but you wanted to smack the dude upside his backward-turned, tag-still-on-it ball cap.

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