Thursday, September 14, 2006

Graduation Night

Graduation Night
Originally uploaded by klycolllins.
So, I'm not sure at what point exactly you cross that line between being a normal pet owner and when you become the weird couple down the street who treats their pets like their kids. I don't know, but I believe we are well past that point. Lucy graduated from puppy class a couple of weeks ago. Now she has a diploma. Rachelle has a diploma. Bo and I are un-educated losers. We prefer to tell people we graduated from the school of hard knocks. Fraternity: Beta Geta Job. Anyway, I'm not putting too much stock in Lucy's "diploma". The instructor said that getting your certificate from puppy class was pretty much like graduating from kindergarten. Everybody gets out. Even the dopey, barky yellow lab who took a ginormous dump in the middle of class and caused us to get out early got a certificate. Kind of like graduating from Walden College. At least we've got something for her baby book. Not really. We're not that crazy.

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