Thursday, September 01, 2005

Surf's Up!

State Fair
Originally uploaded by klycolllins.
Well, not exactly "surf", but I did go to the surfing display at the California State Fair last night. I love living in a place that gears their entire State Fair around surfing, surf music and surf movies. And lots and lots of fried stuff. In addition to the standard deep-fried corn dogs and fried dough, you can also get fried Reese's, fried Oreos, fried Snickers, fried Milky Way, fried Twinkies, etc. Basically, if it's already bad for you the fine people at the fair will batter it and fry it for you. Friggin' nasty and friggin' tasty all at the same time. Also, new this year for the health-conscious and/or vegan, they are offering deep-fried avocados. I'm just waiting for them to come out with some deep-fried bacon-on-a-stick next year. Despite the wonderful smells, I was able to avoid most of the fried food last night and all of the $7 beers. I refuse to pay $7 for a beer that I can get 12 of for the same price at the corner convenience store. It might be a different story if they were offering good beer, but it's basically Bud and Miller products. All in all, I'd have to say the people watching at the Fair has been pretty poor this year. There is usually a freak-show quality to the attendees, but not so much this year. Either that or I'm it. Whatever.

I'm even more confident now that we traded the X-terra in just in time. Gas has now crossed the $3 barrier here in Sacramento and the SUV was just sucking it down. It would have cost Rachelle about $6 a day just commuting to work every day, and we live fairly close to her office. The xA is friggin' tiny, but it gets great mileage. AND you can trick it out with a neon package, rims, thumpin' system, hydraulics, etc. As soon as I can explain to Rachelle why that would be a good idea. Could take a while.

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